Sunday, 26 August 2012

A bloodless victory

I'm a little bit ashamed, but I have to admit that while walking through the aisles of our local green grocer last weekend I was guilty of releasing an excited, childish squeal of delight.  You might wonder what made me react in such a manner.  Well, you see, what was just a normal Saturday afternoon grocery shop was transformed when I set eyes upon a table of plump blood oranges.

Blood oranges are notoriously hard to grow, requiring dry, hot summers and cold winters.  According to Red Belly Citrus, a local producer of blood oranges with orchards in the Riverina region of New South Wales, they need to be grown in a location that will provide temperatures that are almost freezing at night and very high temperatures throughout the day.

They also have a relatively small season, running from August to October.  This, combined with the limited number of producers in Australia, means that there's only a very small window to enjoy this extraordinarily, exotic-looking fruit.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Recipe roadtest: Spiced tomato relish

Despite being a relatively regular Masterchef viewer I must admit that it irks me that almost everyone’s food dream revolves around opening their own restaurants.  Look, it’s admirable that they have these goals, but can we please leave the restaurant game to suitably qualified professionals?

I do, however, appreciate the obvious love and zeal that the contestants have for food and cooking (which to some extent I share).  Some of the feats they undertake in the kitchen successfully frequently make me think, if they can do it, and they’re regular Joes, so can I!

Until recently, our home only paid host to Masterchef when on TV.  I did not own any of their cookbooks (because if I could choose anyone’s cook book, why would I choose one of theirs?).  That was until recently, when I became the owner of one their cookbooks only by virtue of the fact it was in the $5 throw out bin at my local supermarket.

Marion Grasby is probably better known for not winning Masterchef, defecting television networks to appear on The Celebrity Apprentice and not winning that either and finally returning to Ten as a Masterchef All Star.  

Her cook book, simply titled ‘Marion' has been produced with a keen eye and attention to detail.  It looks simply gorgeous with its matte pages, beautiful photography, heart warming stories, interesting styling and simple illustrations.  From my recollections of her from TV the book seems very ‘Marion’.