Since the garage sale last weekend, I’ve been thinking about how easily we dispose of things – one moment we love something, the next we want to upgrade, change, follow the crowd.
I’m beginning to understand why so many people are choosing to jump on the up-cycled, second-hand, hand-me-down, band wagon – it’s not only good for the environment, if you’re lucky you might even pick up a bargain.
There’s so much on offer for bargain hunters these days, going beyond traditional garage sales. If you look long and hard enough, you’ll uncover some treasures.
In Canberra, there’s the Jamison Centre Trash and Treasure markets. They have been held every Sunday, week in-week out, for as long as I can remember.

Ahh... the number of bargains I’ve found there over the years... there was that red skirt made out of an old rain coat that was ever so grunge and oozed utter cool, half the kids books and games my dad bought me as a child, or there’s the beautiful cameo brooch (below) that M bought me only a few weeks ago.
And I don’t know anyone that would be able to say no to satisfying their gnawing hunger with a to-die-for donut, bought and sold out of a dubious looking truck that lingers outside the gates most weekends.

Canberra’s Fash n Treasure market is held at Canberra Old Bus Depot Markets, the next one is being held on Saturday, 5 November. A market dedicated to fashion, with designer and vintage options – definitely worth checking out.
The internet offers many options too. Two of my favourites:
They say that breaking up is hard to do, particularly when you are constantly reminded of that no-good, nobody every time you see this, that or the other. That should no longer be a problem – sell my ex is a new-ish website when you can turn your trauma into a profit – who said he was good for nothing?

If you hadn’t heard, upcycling is the process, in some cases the art, of reviving something by giving it a new lease of life in some unlikely fashion. Think Maria, Sound of Music, and play clothes out of curtains.
This is a more modern example. It's a chandelier made out of recycled wine bottles from glow828...
This gives me an excuse to drink (not that I really needed one).
Tell me, what’s the best bargain you’ve found and do you have any tips for buying second hand?
I once bought some etched vintage wine glasses for $12 from an antique store in Kangaroo Valley. When I asked how much they were, I thought she meant $12 each. She meant $12 for 6. Bargain.